


Unburden yourself and your department from the monotonous tasks of processing utility invoices, while maintaining constant contact and easy access to the invoices & data.  Utilizing industry-leading SOC-1 certified software, data & payment services, the figures from each of your invoices are entered, verified and accessible online and for download, in real-time.  Data & Bill Images are easy for you to access and view and easy to generate reports, so your job is made easier. That burden is taken off.
With the Data captured and accessible, you receive a payment voucher for each utility bill that can be customized and upload-able to any accounting software. Once you transmit the data into your accounting software, there are flexible options on how the bills are paid…either you can pay the bills, or you can elect to use the bill pay services we offer, and pay a single weekly check for all of your invoices. If you use the bill pay services, first, we guarantee you will have no late fees and second, through relationships with the utilities and trusted banking institutions you can get cash back payment terms with participating utility providers nationwide.

Receiving Bills

You don’t have to scan or mail your utility bills. Options include… 1) Requesting a duplicate copy from the utility, 2) providing access online, 3) emailing scanned copies or, 4) you can tie your bill to the leg of a homing pigeon and have it flown directly to our offices.

Bill Imaging

We appreciate that it is important for your A/P staff and stakeholders to have access to view these invoices.  When your bills are received, they are immediately uploaded to your Organization’s portal, making both the new invoice and historical invoices available online for review.

Extracting & Indexing

The measurements and costs from your utility bills are captured electronically and stored, so you can run reports and calculate metrics easily. Costs are verified for accuracy and you receive notifications of abnormalities and support in resolving issues, if desired.

Creating Vouchers For Payment

An electronic file of your billing details is sent to you to upload into your accounting software. A printable voucher, with payment details for each utility account, is connected to the file, making it so you only process and pay one check per utility provider.

Payment of Invoices

If you elect, we will coordinate payment of your utility invoices as they arrive each week. We guarantee on-time payment, with no late fees, and you write a single check for the total. Your monthly utility payments are easy, on-time and accurate.

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ESG Data Capture and Visualization

The first step in developing an ESG score is to track your organization’s direct and indirect emissions. Big Energy’s licensed software automates the collection of Scope 1—direct emissions, Scope 2—indirect emissions based on energy & utility consumption and is available for Scope 3 supplier emissions as well. Read more…


The software normalizes, organizes and visualizes the data, so you can see priorities and opportunities for facility improvements or verify the success of measures you’ve already implemented. Cost & consumption for any metrics important to you, can be created for your facilities. Read more…

Customize the data to visualize a report that matches your specific needs or use one of the 20 most common Master Template reports, which have been designed for any utility account, type or time period. The software design experts can create custom illustrations to help visualize the value of your data. Read more…

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