Joe Bigler is an Energy and Utilities Professional.
He manages over $20 million in annual utility costs. His areas of expertise are: Electricity, Natural Gas, Propane, Water, Sewer and Waste Pickup.
He is a Certified Energy Manager (C.E.M.™) through the Association of Energy Engineers and advises and offers consulting services to an array of clients, from his office in Saint George, Utah.
Joe has been an energy advisor to the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association and is currently an Analyst and advises the American Natural Gas Council.
He draws upon 15+ years’ experience working in both the utility billing services industry and as a regional utility and energy manager for a $13 billion company. He develops utility account management programs and wholesale supply strategies modeled after those used by the largest organizations, and scales them to fit his clients’ organizations.
His scope of understanding includes: Electricity, Natural Gas, Telecom, Water, Wastewater and Waste Removal.
His knowledge and experience include: Utility Account Management, Public Utility Rate Design, Wholesale Energy Commodity Supply, Natural Gas Hedging Strategy, Energy Efficiency, Merger and Acquisition Account Management, Auditing, Utility Rate Negotiation, Energy Profit Improvement Measures, Capital Funding of Energy Projects, Design & Construction of New Electric and Natural Gas Services, Budgeting and Forecasting.
He has implemented hundreds of measures for his clients, generating over $11 million in savings and perpetual annual cost savings of millions more.